Build on Essential

Note: Essential's protocol is in a very early stage of development. Developers should expect some rough edges, and to need to implement a number of things which will, eventually, be provided as tooling. Expect the odd bug here and there, and frequent changes to the code.

Getting Started

With the above caveat in mind, we welcome everyone to get started with Essential. If you're interested in a high level overview of the protocol (the "what", and more importantly, the "why"), then this guide is for you.

If you're interested in building, then this guide is a good starting point, but if you're practically minded you'll soon want to check out the Getting Started guide so you can get writing code, as well as the other documentation linked from this hub.

We hope to expand this documentation with more depth and more example applications over time.

If you have comments or questions about the architecture, or find bugs in the code, we gladly welcome any and all feedback.

Last updated